Quark blog: replace Hero image with LightSlider

Finally it was not so difficult, as per the documentation in Cookbook > General Recipes
Unfortunately I do not cook :laughing:

I quote the information I was missing:

For a modular gallery to be displayed inside another page, remove the following code from the Twig file in order to make it work:

{% extends 'partials/base.html.twig' %}

{% block content %}
    {{ page.content|raw }}


{% endblock %}

I removed the extends tag but I let the block tag for the LisghtSlider code, and is working fine now.

I had the task done pretty close since the first time, but I had an extra line, that is in my post describing the replacement of Hero image with LightSlider script, I removed and it worked fine, no more conflicts with the Blog summaries section:

2.- lightslider.html.twig

{% extends 'blog.html.twig' %}

One thing that intrigue me is that I do not see the code of the LightSlider in the source of the blog webpage :thinking:, I must keep studying and trying to better understand Grav functioning and Documentation, that is very good, and extensive.
I apologize to all the programmers in this forum for my novice questions.

Thanks and regards.