Plugin Comments not working

Hello forum members,

I have a problem with the plugin “Comments”. I have the plugin installed and activated. Also in the file: item.html.twig the following line of code inserted:

{% include ‘partials/comments.html.twig’ with {‘page’: page} %}

Unfortunately, I do not get an issue or reaction. Does anyone have a similar problem or does anyone have an idea why it might be.

Kind regards

@codiergott If the route of the page on which you want to add comments does not start with ‘/blog’, you need to add that route in ‘user/config/plugins/comments.yaml’ like:

  - /blog
  - /myroute


Thank you for your answer. I have already adjusted the values, without success. I changed it as follows:

https: // meineurl / techwiki

I registered - ‘\techwiki’. I even tried with -’\ '. Everything without success!

@codiergott Comments plugin uses the following code to test if comments should be shown:

        if (!in_array($path, $disable_on_routes)) {
            if (in_array($path, $enable_on_routes)) {
                $this->enable = true;
            } else {
                foreach($enable_on_routes as $route) {
                    if (Utils::startsWith($path, $route)) {
                        $this->enable = true;

‘$path’ is the path of the page you are visiting and is relative, like ‘/techwiki/mytopic’.
‘$route’ is the route listed in ‘enable_on_route’ and should also be relative.

Note the forward slashes…

If the url of the blog is ‘https://meineurl/techwiki’, the settings in ‘comments.yaml’ should be like:

  - /techwiki

Every blog topic below ‘/techwiki’ should now contain comments.

If this doesn’t help I have the following questions:

  • Which theme are you using?
  • What is the folder structure?
  • What is the name of the page (*.md) that should contain the comments?

Thank you for your help. The ‘enable_routes’ I have checked and are entered correctly. I think I have another problem here. I added the following lines of code in the comments.html.twig, in the Comments plugin folder:

Try to load plugin!
{% if grav.twig.enable_comments_plugin%}
     {% set scope = scope?: 'data.' %}
Plugin loaded !!
     <H3> {{ 'PLUGIN_COMMENTS.ADD_COMMENT' | t}} </ h3>

It will only load “Try plugin!” displayed. The plugin is activated, but apparently not recognized or I see that wrong?

Kind regards

@codiergott Apparantly, the variable ‘enable_comments_plugin’ is not set.

This variable is set in ‘comments.php’ line 76:

$this->grav['twig']->enable_comments_plugin = $this->enable;

The variable ‘$this->enable’ is set in:

if (!in_array($path, $disable_on_routes)) {
    if (in_array($path, $enable_on_routes)) {
        $this->enable = true;
    } else {
        foreach($enable_on_routes as $route) {
            if (Utils::startsWith($path, $route)) {
                $this->enable = true;

This leads me to suspect that the routes you have set in ‘comments.yaml’ are not correct.

Do you know how to debug and read the variables $path and $route?

If not, you could print the variables to the console of the browser. Change the above script like:

if (!in_array($path, $disable_on_routes)) {
    if (in_array($path, $enable_on_routes)) {
        $this->enable = true;
    } else {
        foreach($enable_on_routes as $route) {
            echo "<script>console.log('$path | $route');</script>"; // Add this line
            if (Utils::startsWith($path, $route)) {
                $this->enable = true;

Refresh the browser and open the console of the browser (How to for: Chrome, Firefox, Safari). You should see something like the following:

/techwiki/mytopic | /techwiki

Thanks for the code. He helped me a lot. I receive the following edition:
/techwiki/sonstiges/dyndns-domain-mit-ssl-support-auf-einer-fritzbox-einrichten | /blog

How can I change the second value? Find this nowhere in the settings. Adding / blog to the enable_on_routes will not work either.

Could you help me again?

Kind regards


  • The values for ‘$path | $route’ are written to the console. In your case:

    /techwiki/sonstiges/dyndns-domain-mit-ssl-support-auf-einer-fritzbox-einrichten | /blog

  • ‘/techwiki/sonstiges/dyndns-domain-mit-ssl-support-auf-einer-fritzbox-einrichten’ is the value of $path which is the url of the page on which you want to see comments.

  • ‘/blog’ is the value of $route which is looping through the values of ‘enable_on_routes’ in either ‘/user/config/plugins/comments.yaml’ or the original ‘/user/plugins/comments/comments.yaml’

The default values in ‘/user/plugins/comments/comments.yaml’ are:

  - '/blog'

Because the console only shows the entry /blog, you probably haven’t added ‘/techwiki’ to enable_on_routes in the right place.

You can override the default settings of ‘comments’ plugin by copying the file ‘/user/plugins/comments/comments.yaml’ to ‘/user/config/plugins/comments.yaml’ and update the new ‘comments.yaml’ as follows:

  - '/blog' // This value may be removed if you're not going to use /blog in your site.
  - /techwiki