How to integrate comments into grav


i feel kind of stupid for asking this basic stuff but since i don’t get it, maybe someone can help me out on that:
I want to have comments on my blog.

What i have:

  • Grav 1.0.0 RC5
  • Comments plugin installed
  • Created a page with folder name blog and Page File Blog
  • Added a post to the blog. Page File Blog and Parent Blog
  • No other customization

What i did:

  • Included {% include 'partials/comments.html.twig' with {'page': page} %} into item.html.twig
  • Copied comments.yaml into user/plugins/comments/

At this point i would expect something to show up when i access a blog post but that’s not the case. I see the ‘Comments’ section in the admin interface but nothing on the site itself.


Copy comments.yaml to user/config/plugins/comments.yaml, and edit the enable_on_routes property to match your blog posts, that should work

Oh sorry, i actually already copied comments.yaml to user/config/plugins/comments.yaml. Since that is already done (i did exactly what the readme said on the plugin github site) i suspect that i have to change something related to the routes. I didn’t change anything there because it seems to reflect my setup. The default under enable_on_routes is - '/blog' and that is also the folder name of my blog page. Or what do i have to add there? I also tried to add the folder name of my first blog post - still the same problem.