Page quick view window

I’ve noticed that the modal window to see quick information of a page is not displayed correctly from the pages section when you have a certain number of pages, in the administration panel.

I attach a screenshot to explain myself better…

I’m sorry I can’t offer a proposed solution, as I don’t have enough knowledge of javascript.


Probably better to report this on Admin plugin repo on GitHub


Hi @Karmalakas

I’m sure it’s the right channel, but I don’t use github. So I hope it’s useful to comment it here or that someone takes the liberty to replicate it on github.


@sdesergi, This a community of volunteers who are willing to spent time and effort on questions.

but I don’t use github

Anyone can create an account on Github and add an issue. Please don’t expect the community to do that for you too…

Hi @anon76427325

I’ll be happy to help in the right way when my time and knowledge possibilities allow me :+1: In the meantime, I assumed that writing, translating and documenting with a screenshot the little bug I’m talking about was a way to contribute. I also assumed that posting it in this category was the right thing to do because I didn’t get to read the category description.

I appreciate the correction. I understand that future comments similar to this one should not be posted here, only on github. I gather from your responses that this was not the only misplaced comment :laughing:
