Online learning web

Hello to everyone,
I hope all of you are safe and well.

I need to create an online course.
The students after the payment, they will receive a password to get access to the content. I was thinking to use the template Learn2 or similar to include the text and videos too.

  1. It make sense to use grav for this course?
  2. How it works the online payment - ecommerce in grav? there is any plugin or service you recommend?
  3. To display the videos, there is a plugin for that? should I use youtube with sort password?

I’m already starting this endeavour and any clue or help would be very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Have you been searching through the available plugins on the Grav site, see Downloads. You’ll find answers to your questions there.
Also the themes by Hibbitts Design might interest you as they are focussed on education.

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