Im trying to create a simple onepage website, but i always get the normal collapsible navbar. How can I change this? I used the standart antimatter theme once with a “handmade” file and subfolders and once the standart onepage skeleton
Is this currently a problem?
Edit: Seems as my screen was too small to display the menu properly; however in the dropdown menu i get on smaller screens, there are no subsections shown
Edit 2: I know the pages are not routable, but is there a way to show the modular pages also in the dropdown menu if the screen gets smaler
The way the Antimatter theme was built was to not include modular non-routable ‘on-page’ menu items in the mobile nav, only the main top-level visible pages. It relaly doesn’t make sense to have to navigate to the side and click something when you can just flick your finger and scroll to it.
If you want to change this behavior, you need to modify the partials/navigation.html to mimic the logic that is overridding the top menu (header_navigation block) in modular.html.twig. But when you start messing with things at this level, you should probably create your own theme, or copy antimatter and rename it.