One-page theme background-color

I would like to change the background-color of the one-page theme skeleton. I made a div class in the and also in features.html.twig and tried to put a background-color to that class but it did not work. I have put in red(in the attached img) the part which i want to change background-color of.

That is just the body tag of the page. You’ll have to change either the body css or the #page-wrapper css to whatever color you want and change the section below (#modular-features) that also shows the body back to white.

yeah … i tried that … but the problem is that the color overlaps little bit of the header image also, till the part of that container where it is written ‘Why grav … build sites better etc.’ …

and if i want to add a ‘my team’ div … how do u suggest i go about it ? i tried copying and team.html.twig from other skeletons but their layout gets mismatch a lot creating weird looking content.