No maintained GDPR plugins


I am currently transitioning 2 pages from Wordpress to Grav. I took the GDPR issue actually for granted because there were 2 GDPR plugins when I researched Grav.

Today I dug a little deeper and realized that GravGdprPrivacySetupPlugin has been abandoned and eprivacy from bleutzinn has also been put on hold.

That leaves me scratching my head because there is no maintained GDPR plugin available. And having a good chunk of my visits coming from Europe requires me to have a working GDPR setup for Adsense, Email and Matomo.

At this very moment I am actually considering to cut my losses of a few weeks content migration and two rockettheme themes and move back to Wordpress. Having no GDPR plugin feels dishearting and is a blocker for 30% of my audience.

How does the rest of you handle GDPR?

Hi Lars,

I use, see

For Google Tracking I used and added an opt out code:, but this merge request is still open.

Regards, Ralf

I use Google Tag Manager for it. Google “gdpr cookie with Google tag manager” and there are several different instructions available :slight_smile:

Why are you setting cookies anyway? Half of the so-called “plug-ins” I’ve seen are predatory anyway and exacerbating the problem by funneling geo data to MaxMind. There’s no panacea to GDPR, just reading the law and respecting user privacy.

@rluetke that looks like what I was looking for.

Awesome. I did not know about this solution and it brought me to my solution. I currently looking at the cookie consent solution that offers blocking of cookies before consent. Exactly what I was looking for adsense and matomo.