Moving modules breaks images

Hi guys, posted this on discord but got no answers. See the problem below.

I’ve noticed that if I setup sortable sections on a page and move a section/module around the images break. e.g.


This is what the site is looking for but I’ve moved the module to position 03. so the actual files are now below.


Is this a bug ? Surely the folder locations should update ?

This is the code I’m using to display the images in my template.

            {% for member in page.header.yoyo.board.members %} 
                    <div class="member">

                      {% if member.file %}
                        {% for key,val in member.file %}
                          {% set filepath = '/' ~ val.path %}
                            {% if %}<a href="{{ }}" target="_blank">{% endif %}
                              <img src="{{home_url}}{{filepath}}" class="member-img" />
                            {% if member.file %}</a>{% endif %}
                        {% endfor %}
                      {% endif %}

                    </div><!--/ .mention -->
              {% endfor %}

Many thanks

Does it fix itself when you clean cache?

I’ve cleared browser cache i.e. tested it in incognito mode on chrome and it’s still there.

Are we referring to a grav-cms cache setting ?


Any more ideas on what’s causing this ? or how I could potentially investigate it myself ?

It seems the folders/images all update correctly i.e. when a module moves it correctly re-labels itself in the files/directories. So I’m assuming the code I’m using to get my image paths is wrong ?

{% for key,val in %}
{% set filepath = ‘/’ ~ val.path %}
<img src="{{home_url}}{{filepath}}" class=“hero-img” {% if %} style="{{}}" {% endif %}/>
{% endfor %}

If you see the screenshot I’ve dumped the file variable to look at the path.

The actual image in the project directory now sites inside:


This is correct as I moved the module to the number 1 spot. However as you can see the path still returns it as 02._hero/

@rhuk Any ideas on this ?

Don’t use the path, just use the page’s media object in combination with the name… like this:

              {% for member in page.header.yoyo.board.members %} 
                    <div class="member">

                      {% if member.file %}
                        {% for key,val in member.file %}
                            {% if %}<a href="{{ }}" target="_blank">{% endif %}
                              <img src="{{[].url }}" class="member-img" />
                            {% if %}</a>{% endif %}
                        {% endfor %}
                      {% endif %}

                    </div><!--/ .mention -->
              {% endfor %}

Awesome problem is now resolved.