As I started developing with Theme-Inheritance, there is no Dropdown-Menu findable. Enabling it in the antimatter.yaml configuration file doesn’t work. How can I get it back?
Before we go any further, there was a bug only recently fixed with theme inheritance in the devtools plugin. Please read through Theme inheritance Not Working Properly and try some of those suggestions.
thank you for your post. I’m not using the devtools plugin and all my plugins, themes and grav itself are currently up-to-date. Theme-Inheritance itself is working without problems. Shall I share my mytheme.yaml, blueprints.yaml and a screenshot from ‘/user/themes/mytheme’ too?
Your Twig looks to be rendering three equal columns already (in line with this approach), and to make one of them behave differently you can target it with the loop.index variable within the for-loop (see Twig-docs). Basically an if-condition checking where you are in the loop, to use a different class. Eg. {% if loop.index == 2 %}pure-u-md-16-24{% else %}pure-u-md-8-24{% endif %} within the class-attribute.