I have the latest version of antimatter and see that the page.content is being rendered in the .blog-header div. The result is that the content of the blog post takes up full width which makes the right sidebar with the search form appear below the content.
A bit further down there is the .content-wrapper div where the the 2-3 #listing and 1-3 #sidebar columns are, but the only thing in the 2-3 #listing column appears to be a blog roll.
Is this a bug in the blog page template? Should the page.content section be inside the #listing column?
Here’s a cutdown version of the blog.html.twig code that shows the issue.
I’m so new to Grav that I want to check on this before just making a change in the file.
{% block content %}
<div class="blog-header">
{{ page.content }}
<div class="content-wrapper blog-content-list grid pure-g">
<div id="listing" class="block pure-u-2-3 h-feed">
{% for child in collection %}
{% include 'partials/blog_item.html.twig' with {'blog':page, 'page':child, 'truncate':true} %}
{% e ndfor %}
<div id="sidebar" class="block size-1-3 pure-u-1-3">
{% include 'partials/sidebar.html.twig' with {'blog':page} %}
{% endblock %}