For some reason I can’t get the theme inheritance to work. I have created all the necessary files and folders; however, it isn’t pulling data from ‘mytheme’, but the original theme folder. I have setup the theme inheritance using a the Photography skeleton site and it works perfect. This current Ceevee site I am working on isn’t working as it should.
How can I troubleshoot this and find where the fault is?
First have you set your new theme as active in the admin panel?
I have tried selecting the old and new theme again in admin panel. I also manually edited the system.yaml file to include the new theme.
theme: ceevee_child
can you share your mytheme.yaml ? and your blueprints.yaml ? that should be in the ‘/user/themes/mytheme’ folder.
In the meantime or if that’s not how you generated the child these, simply swicth the order of the themes in ceevee_child.yaml streams.schemes.theme.prefixes.’’
Switched back. I am using the images folder to test.
Just to make sure it is working on a totally different site I have theme inheritance setup, I have changed an image file and it does updates. So this particular theme, I am having issue with.
Well this is strange. It worked itself out. The site seems to be loading from the theme inheritance folder now and I didn’t do anything to fix it. Ghost in the machine?