I know at present you can minify the CSS and JS (which I’m yet to work out how - I’ve enabled it in the admin plugin, but it doesn’t seem to be working).
Is there an option to minify the entire page HTML output?
Google recommends minifying HTML.
Javascript minifying works if js pipeline is enabled too. Might want to check that. Currently there’s no option to minify HTML.
If your webserver serves files using Gzip (recommended) - see http://betterexplained.com/articles/how-to-optimize-your-site-with-gzip-compression/ it’s already doing a good job at optimizing network speed.
you can enable gzip of html in grav via the system config
Has anyone figured out a way to minify the html output?
Gzip isn’t the same thing. Ideally we can use both minification and gzip…
What’s the point in this? The time it would take to actually do the minimizing would offset any performance gains of it being minified. Gzip is going to do a much better job at compressing the HTML output, and much faster too.
Very fair point!
It’d make sense if used in conjunction with a static caching plugin but you’re right, it is overkill