Is there a “simple” way to migrate a Wordpress site to Grav please ?
I saw an old plugin but it seems not usable.
Thanks in advance
Is there a “simple” way to migrate a Wordpress site to Grav please ?
I saw an old plugin but it seems not usable.
Thanks in advance
see that thread : Wordpress 2 Grav 2019
Thanks a lot, I didn’t found it…
I’ve tested this plugin : https://github.com/SiteBeez/wordpress-wp2grav-markdown-exporter (the other one don’t appear in the Wordpress admin after I upload it).
It seems to work, the export is made.
But after that, I don’t know what should I do to import this content to my Grav site. There’s no informations about that on the plugin page…
in wp-content/uploads/wp2grav/export
you will find your export, then just copy the posts forlder in your grav theme, but sometimes you have to tweak the WP plugin to add some custom fields for instance
In the Grav theme ? Ok, i’ll test this tomorrow.
I have an export directory with some directory with my pages, and 3 files :
blog.md, categories.text and tags.txt.
So, I have to put all of these in a theme directory, for exemple :
Surelly an error somewhere because my pages don’t appear in the admin.
So I put the pages directory in /user/pages and they appear in the site. But For the Wordpress articles, I don’t know where to put them. And the 3 files, in the directory of the theme, like you said ?
To make it easier install a blog skeleton theme https://github.com/getgrav/grav-skeleton-blog-site
Or download https://getgrav.org/downloads/skeletons
The posts are located in user/pages/your-blog-folder
(depends on the theme build or
categories.txt and tags.txt are just for your information
Maybe check first https://learn.getgrav.org/ to understand how grav
Ok, I’ll try with a skeleton theme.
I’ve put all pages and articles from the export directory to /user/pages and it’s working.
But the articles appears in the menu like the pages. Is there a way to differentiate pages and articles perhaps ?
I admit I don’t really understand with Grav who to make a blog with articles… I can only create page. Perhaps it’s whit the parent folder of the page that I could put the articles ? Or with a special template ?
Thanks for your help
I described my experience migrating WP-2-grav here: https://blog.dmr-solutions.com/blog/wordpress-grav-umsteigen, but it’s in german only.
Regards and good luck, Ralf
Thanks a lot, but I don’t read german at all…
You’re almost there.
Your blog posts can be added under a blog page, as children. So you’ll need to read and understand this: https://learn.getgrav.org/16/content/collections
Thanks, I’ll look at this
Instead of going technical, I have found you the best solution of migrating from WordPress to Grav, Its much easier and faster, check this guide: https://learn.getgrav.org/16/webservers-hosting/paas/cloudways, I have been using Grav with Cloudways managed WordPress hosting platform and it works awesome there,
I have an Arabic blog (https://www.arabphones.net), but it use Blogger platform, I want to try Grave, is there any way to move from blogger to grave? Does Grav support Arabic and RTL?