Looking for support for unitegallery

I have built site that depends greatly on the functionality of UniteGallery. There are several things not working but I thought that as I got more experience with Grav and UniteGallery I would discover ways to get around the problems. This has not worked out well for me. Is there a support capability somewhere that I can contact?

Specifically the issue at this time is using unitegallery on a Blog page. It appears that only one post within a blog page can contain a gallery. I have tried to name the galleries uniquely and it still is not working.

What i have done with the unitegallery in a modular page :

A java script declaration :
<script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function () { jQuery("#gallery{{ page.slug }}").unitegallery({

and a div section like this :
<div id="gallery{{ page.slug }}" style="display:none;">