Localization issue with blog components


I’m a French Grav user and currently building a “french-only” website with a blog components.

My site.yaml is set to ‘fr’ and I don’t want to use the Multi-Language feature, because I would like to avoid such a http://website.example.fr/fr URL.

However, it seems impossible to display blog dates (short month), and sidebar widgets in French… :frowning:

Must I use the Multi-Language feature? Or is there a workaround?


Hi @HugoS,

maybe this entry How to correctly set a default language? can help you to configure your site without the language code in the URL.

If you want to set the date in the corresponding language there is a reference in the documentation : https://learn.getgrav.org/content/multi-language#translation-via-twig.
If that does not work you can create a Twig partial with the month translations and include it in your template.

Thank you, @renards!

I simply missed this setting while building my user/config/system.yaml:

include_default_lang: false

It was set to true… Now, I have dates and labels in French and no /fr in my address bar. :grinning: