Lightslider stopped working after latest Grav update

I have made no changes to the site and only action I took was to update Grav to 1.6.9 and then update the plugins and after the update the lighslider is broken. I have submitted the following Issue on github but was hoping someone may be able to provide some guidance on what I need to be looking at to make this plugin work again. Ay help will be huegly appreciated.


The plugin had been working fine before I updated Grav Core. After that I created a fresh instance using Agency Skeleton and enabled the plugin again without creating any slider and could see that simply enabling the plugin results in following error on console:

ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined[Learn More] lightslider.min.js:4:1

I am not sure what I should do to fix this and as it is even happening on a fresh install as well I think this may have something to do with the latest Grav update that may have broken something on this plugin.