Learn2 does not change language (possible bug)

it’s my first post here, I’m not a developer but a simple user. I use Joomla since 1.0 version and in the past I also used RT templates. Congrats for this cms!

I installed grav+admin plugin and changed the default language to italian. I don’t want to use multiple languages. I use the same settings as in this topic

It works fine, if I look at the html I see and is all translated.
Then I installed the Learn2 template, I see all text translated into italian but in html I

Is this a bug? How can I correct?

thank you in advance

It’s a bug. The Learn2 theme has lang=“en” hardcoded. Fixed it now in develop https://github.com/getgrav/grav-theme-learn2, you can download the package from GitHub (“Download Zip”) and try.

Thank you for your fast answer, I confirm it is solved