I’m totally impressed with Grav so far. I was able to build a complex site with a lot of text files and command line scripts. I also have the option of backend editing with Grav. In the top left corner of the Learn2 Theme is “GRAV”. I want to change it to something else. Also, where can I find the color setting for the left band? Here is a screenshot of what I have in a locally developed site:
The forums have also been helpful. I’m sure there is an easy fix for those two things.
I found where to modify the code in the theme… learn2/templates/partials/logo.html.twig however simply editing the code with a new image logo, doesn’t cut it. I have this:
<img id=“logo-svg” viewBox=“0 0 444 102” style=“background-color:#ffffff00” src=“{{ theme_dir }}/images/RVG.png” width=“444px” height=“88px”>
{# original code
<svg id=“logo-svg” viewBox=“0 0 444 102” style=“background-color:#ffffff00” version=“1.1”
xmlns=“SVG namespace” xmlns:xlink=“XLink namespace” xml:space=“preserve”
x=“0px” y=“0px” width=“444px” height=“80px”
<path d=“m87.503 53.977h-10.642c-1.616 0-2.93 1.315-2.93 2.936v20.418l-0.21 0.175c-6.263 5.278-14.182 8.18-22.297 8.18-19.144 0-34.719-15.559-34.719-34.685 0-19.128 15.575-34.684 34.719-34.684 7.444 0 14.562 2.353 20.587 6.811 1.169 0.865 2.792 0.746 3.822-0.28l7.588-7.58c0.592-0.588 0.901-1.406 0.853-2.24-0.046-0.834-0.448-1.607-1.104-2.127-9.016-7.1443-20.29-11.076-31.746-11.076-28.246 0.0001-51.228 22.958-51.228 51.176-0.0005 28.219 22.982 51.179 51.228 51.179 14.584 0 28.534-6.273 38.27-17.208 0.479-0.536 0.742-1.227 0.742-1.945v-26.114c0-1.621-1.314-2.936-2.933-2.936z”/>
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<path d=“m291.34 4.9642c-0.47-1.0636-1.52-1.7534-2.69-1.7534h-14.65c-1.17 0-2.23 0.6957-2.7 1.7704l-39.54 91.735c-0.39 0.9-0.3 1.946 0.24 2.766 0.54 0.828 1.46 1.328 2.45 1.328h11.58c1.17 0 2.23-0.71 2.7-1.775l32.64-75.723 33.24 75.74c0.47 1.068 1.52 1.758 2.68 1.758h11.63c0.99 0 1.92-0.5 2.45-1.328 0.55-0.831 0.63-1.878 0.24-2.788l-40.27-91.73z”/>
<path d=“m185.34 67.248l0.64-0.306c11.56-5.583 19.04-17.434 19.04-30.196 0-18.491-15.06-33.535-33.58-33.535l-42.49-0.0002c-1.62 0-2.93 1.3153-2.93 2.933v91.726c0 1.624 1.31 2.94 2.93 2.94h10.64c1.62 0 2.94-1.316 2.94-2.94v-78.17h28.91c9.42 0 17.07 7.645 17.07 17.046 0 7.84-5.33 14.64-12.97 16.53-1.38 0.348-2.75 0.523-4.1 0.523h-10.64c-1.1 0-2.11 0.622-2.61 1.607-0.5 0.984-0.4 2.164 0.25 3.057l30.17 41.143c0.55 0.754 1.43 1.204 2.36 1.204h13.22c1.11 0 2.12-0.63 2.62-1.611 0.5-0.989 0.4-2.172-0.25-3.06l-21.22-28.891z”/>
Thanks in advance!