Learn2 Theme change Text in header

I’m totally impressed with Grav so far. I was able to build a complex site with a lot of text files and command line scripts. I also have the option of backend editing with Grav. In the top left corner of the Learn2 Theme is “GRAV”. I want to change it to something else. Also, where can I find the color setting for the left band? Here is a screenshot of what I have in a locally developed site:

The forums have also been helpful. I’m sure there is an easy fix for those two things.
I found where to modify the code in the theme… learn2/templates/partials/logo.html.twig however simply editing the code with a new image logo, doesn’t cut it. I have this:

<img id=“logo-svg” viewBox=“0 0 444 102” style=“background-color:#ffffff00” src=“{{ theme_dir }}/images/RVG.png” width=“444px” height=“88px”>
{# original code
<svg id=“logo-svg” viewBox=“0 0 444 102” style=“background-color:#ffffff00” version=“1.1”
xmlns=“SVG namespace” xmlns:xlink=“XLink namespace” xml:space=“preserve”
x=“0px” y=“0px” width=“444px” height=“80px”
<path d=“m87.503 53.977h-10.642c-1.616 0-2.93 1.315-2.93 2.936v20.418l-0.21 0.175c-6.263 5.278-14.182 8.18-22.297 8.18-19.144 0-34.719-15.559-34.719-34.685 0-19.128 15.575-34.684 34.719-34.684 7.444 0 14.562 2.353 20.587 6.811 1.169 0.865 2.792 0.746 3.822-0.28l7.588-7.58c0.592-0.588 0.901-1.406 0.853-2.24-0.046-0.834-0.448-1.607-1.104-2.127-9.016-7.1443-20.29-11.076-31.746-11.076-28.246 0.0001-51.228 22.958-51.228 51.176-0.0005 28.219 22.982 51.179 51.228 51.179 14.584 0 28.534-6.273 38.27-17.208 0.479-0.536 0.742-1.227 0.742-1.945v-26.114c0-1.621-1.314-2.936-2.933-2.936z”/>
<path d=“m443.52 4.529c-0.54-0.8206-1.47-1.3182-2.45-1.3182h-11.58c-1.17 0-2.23 0.6957-2.7 1.7704l-32.65 75.721-33.23-75.738c-0.47-1.0634-1.52-1.7532-2.68-1.7532h-11.62c-1 0-1.92 0.4976-2.46 1.3265-0.55 0.8288-0.64 1.8753-0.23 2.7832l40.25 91.732c0.47 1.068 1.53 1.758 2.69 1.758h14.66c1.17 0 2.23-0.71 2.7-1.775l39.54-91.734c0.39-0.9055 0.3-1.9466-0.24-2.772z”/>
<path d=“m291.34 4.9642c-0.47-1.0636-1.52-1.7534-2.69-1.7534h-14.65c-1.17 0-2.23 0.6957-2.7 1.7704l-39.54 91.735c-0.39 0.9-0.3 1.946 0.24 2.766 0.54 0.828 1.46 1.328 2.45 1.328h11.58c1.17 0 2.23-0.71 2.7-1.775l32.64-75.723 33.24 75.74c0.47 1.068 1.52 1.758 2.68 1.758h11.63c0.99 0 1.92-0.5 2.45-1.328 0.55-0.831 0.63-1.878 0.24-2.788l-40.27-91.73z”/>
<path d=“m185.34 67.248l0.64-0.306c11.56-5.583 19.04-17.434 19.04-30.196 0-18.491-15.06-33.535-33.58-33.535l-42.49-0.0002c-1.62 0-2.93 1.3153-2.93 2.933v91.726c0 1.624 1.31 2.94 2.93 2.94h10.64c1.62 0 2.94-1.316 2.94-2.94v-78.17h28.91c9.42 0 17.07 7.645 17.07 17.046 0 7.84-5.33 14.64-12.97 16.53-1.38 0.348-2.75 0.523-4.1 0.523h-10.64c-1.1 0-2.11 0.622-2.61 1.607-0.5 0.984-0.4 2.164 0.25 3.057l30.17 41.143c0.55 0.754 1.43 1.204 2.36 1.204h13.22c1.11 0 2.12-0.63 2.62-1.611 0.5-0.989 0.4-2.172-0.25-3.06l-21.22-28.891z”/>


Thanks in advance!

Well, after googling, I learned that Learn2-git-sync theme automatically does this for you. I’m still a little perplexed by the complexity of that setup. I was able to change the logo… but it never displayed. I could take it out. I will leave this open in case any one has any ideas on this.


Hi @shane, I am the author of the Learn2 with Git Sync theme and would be happy to further chat about the Learn2 with Git Sync theme in the Grav Discord room if you like https://getgrav.org/discord

Thanks @paulhibbitts. I have been busy. I did finally get the website built. I still have minor tweaking to do. It looks great, and I know there is always tweaking to do. I haven’t turned it loose into the world wild web yet. I will certainly try to catch you in the Grav Discord room. I’m completely impressed with Grav. I did the entire build with sed scripts, command line, and a text editor.


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