Hi Everyone,
As it’s my first post here, I’m glad to join the grav community. I’m using grav to manage a collection of Lyrics for my passion : Capoeira !
So I used the learn2 theme that fits my needs ! I successfully customize the theme but I’m still facing an issue and someone is maybe able to help me.
I created my own folder structure defining my chapters. In each chapter I have my pages.
Currently, the pages corresponding to these folder are displaying like this :
You can see that after the content (only the title in fact), there’s a loop function from the chapter twig template that lists all the pages…But it make a list with every page on my website. What I would like to do, is only show a list of pages included in the current chapter !
In the example of my linked page : I would like to see only the line “Sou capoeira eu vou levando a vida” as it is the only page in Angola Chapter.
I went across the chapter.html.twig code that generate this list, but did not succeed to customise the code to my needs…
Here is the code :
{% extends 'partials/base.html.twig' %} {% set tags = page.taxonomy.tag %} {% if tags %} {% set progress = page.collection({'items':{'@taxonomy':{'category': 'docs', 'tag': tags}},'order': {'by': 'default', 'dir': 'asc'}}) %} {% else %} {% set progress = page.collection({'items':{'@taxonomy':{'category': 'docs'}},'order': {'by': 'default', 'dir': 'asc'}}) %} {% endif %} {% block content %} <div id="chapter"> <div id="body-inner"> <p> {{ page.content }} </p> </div> </div> {% macro loop(page, parent_loop) %} {% if parent_loop|length > 0 %} {% set data_level = parent_loop %} {% else %} {% set data_level = 0 %} {% endif %} {% for p in page.children.visible %} {% set parent_page = p.activeChild ? ' parent' : '' %} {% set current_page = p.active ? ' active' : '' %} <li class="dd-item{{ parent_page }}{{ current_page }}" data-nav-id="{{ p.route }}"> <a href="{{ p.url }}" {% if p.header.class %}class="{{ p.header.class }}"{% endif %}> <i class="fa fa-check read-icon"></i> <span><b>{% if data_level == 0 %}{{ loop.index }}. {% endif %}</b>{{ p.menu }}</span> </a> {% if p.children.count > 0 %} <ul> {{ _self.loop(p, parent_loop+loop.index) }} </ul> {% endif %} </li> {% endfor %} {% endmacro %} {% macro version(p) %} {% set parent_page = p.activeChild ? ' parent' : '' %} {% set current_page = p.active ? ' active' : '' %} <h5 class="{{ parent_page }}{{ current_page }}"> {% if p.activeChild or p.active %} <i class="fa fa-chevron-down fa-fw"></i> {% else %} <i class="fa fa-plus fa-fw"></i> {% endif %} <a href="{{ p.url }}">{{ p.menu }}</a> </h5> {% endmacro %} <div class="scrollbar-inner"> <div class="highlightable"> {% if theme_config.top_level_version %} {% for slug, ver in pages.children %} {{ _self.version(ver) }} <ul id="{{ slug }}" class="topics"> {{ _self.loop(ver, '') }} </ul> {% endfor %} {% else %} <ul class="topics"> {% if theme_config.root_page %} {{ _self.loop(page.find(theme_config.root_page), '') }} {% else %} {{ _self.loop(pages, '') }} {% endif %} </ul> {% endif %} </div> </div> {% endblock %}
Thanks in advance for any help !!
Regards !!