I made a one-pager theme which builds up parts from entries of sub-pages
In that case it’s dogs:
- So a Dog has 4 fields (name, short_text,long_text,images)
- the short-text, name and the first image is used to show up on the home-page in something like a view
- the long-text and all the images show up on a sub-page when you click on one of the entries in the home page
- so the part of the home page showing those dog-entries is a modular with
loop in the twig-template
my problem
When I update or add a dog (so a sub-page) I would like to kick the cache for the home-page so that it show the new entry as soon as it is saved. Otherwhise the editor has to kick the cash manually every time it adds a new dog to the system.
my question
Is there a way to tell a grav to selectively refresh the cache for a certain page when saving a certain other page-type?