I’ve just managed to set up a form with reCaptcha, which is working fine, only the Capthcha is shown in the email body, AND on the thank you page, somethng like this:
I’ve checked the twig file, but the way it’s done is beyond my capabilities (or I’m just too lazy to dig in)
My question is, what would be the simplest way to hide this?
I have run into the same issue. Unfortunately, the snippet shown above is not working for me. I suspect that there is some missing information on how to enable this snippet.
I’m still in the learning process here. What I did was paste the above code into: user/plugins/form/template/forms/data.html.twig
It had no effect.
From my reading of the snippet it is saying, "print everything that does not have a field name of g-recaptcha-response.
Other than the ugly re-capthca code in the email alert and the thank you page, the form seems to be working fine.
Looking forward to sorting this out so that I can experiment with the other field types.
IMHO, best fix would be to be to set a parameter like readonly:truein the form field setup. Tried this but it didn’t work.