When an e-mail is sent from a contact form containing a captcha field, the body displays a long and distracting string of random characters. Is it possible not to output it? Thank you.
You can review this earlier thread to find a solution to this issue. @flaviocopes mentions at the end of the thread that a built-in solution is imminent.
Thank you!
(Would putting that in my custom template folder rather than in the plugin template be cleaner? So it’s not overwritten at the next update.)
Good question. Unfortunately I don’t have a definitive answer as to where is the best place to store this fix.
The update as described in the earlier thread WILL GET OVERWRITTEN. I just checked my site and the fix WAS overwritten in a recent update.
Perhaps someone else can provide a suggestion?
I just tried putting it in my own theme’s template, and it seems to be working. So I guess it may be a more durable solution until the built-in fix is released.