I’m (still) having some trouble installing Grav. I may have a similar problem as this person had:
I’m running php 5.6 as verified by a php info test. My main domain, on which I intend to install grav, is pointing to the public_html root folder by default. My hosting provider would not let me change the document root to public_html/grav. Inside public_html I have sub folders for other addon domains which work fine.
If I leave the unzipped grav installation folder untouched inside public_html I get the following:
error log: cannot serve directory /home/XXXXX/public_html/: No matching Directory found, and server-generated directory index forbidden by Options directive
output: Forbidden - You don’t have permission to access / on this server.
which makes sense if the document root is pointing to public_html rather than public_html/grav
However, If I move all the grav folder contents up to public_html directly I get this:
error log: SoftException in Application.cpp:261: File “/home/XXXXX/publ ic_html/grav/index.php” is writeable by group
output: Internal Server Error - The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Since I cannot change the root folder directory so that my main doamin rests “inside its own distinct folder” is there a workaround for installing grav? Or do I need to find another hosting provider?