How to set hide or visible page by the unpublished date

Is it possible make visible or hide a modular page by its unpublished date?.

I’ve been trying to do it but I can’t get it.

Anyone knows to do it?


@pmoreno, When variable unpublish_date is set in the frontmatter of a page, it should become ‘un-published’ automatically.

See Headers / Frontmatter | Grav Documentation

Optional field, but can provide a date to automatically trigger un-publication. Valid values are any string date values that strtotime() supports.

What have you been trying?

Hi, @pamtbaau,

I don’t know what happened, but I had marked the unpublished checkbox, however the page didn’t hide.

Maybe it worked wrong because I set enable the Publis checkbox, or the cache enabled. I’m not sure.

Finally, it works fine now.
Thanks so much, again.