How to get the version number of the active theme

Hi guys,

Any ideas on which is the best way to get the version number of the active theme using Twig ? My best attempt so far is:

{% set themeobj  = grav['themes'] %}
{% set themeinfo = themeobj.get(config.system.pages.theme).blueprints %}
<p id="theme-about">{{ }} {{ themeinfo.version }}<p>

But it doesn’t feel very idiomatic. I’m maybe missing something here.

Thank you very much for your time and help,

AFAIK that’s the only way now, maybe we can add this information to the Theme object, so it’s more easily accessible using grav.theme @rhukster?

Thank you for your quick reply @flaviocopes. +1 to have a shortcut through grav.theme

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