Get a grav site through a validator

I want to use grav as my future cms. I played with my webservers, in order to get a working skeleton with admin plugin, edited everything I needed, and now I want to get it validated, because I am somewhat neurotic about valid HTML / XHTML / HTML5 standards. Can anyone point me in the right direction? there are some metadata options in the admin panel, but as for now I won’t touch anything there. there are some in base.html.twig as well, but clearly not all. metadata.html.twig is making my head explode, ad that’s all I found. somehow one of the validators says it has no content-encoding (well it says it’s none, not NULL) - which could be from my provider’s webserver, I dunno. How many files are there where I need to set my type definitions? - i guess the resume theme uses html5, but still, there are many tags, which is obviously not allowed in HTML, just in XHTML… and so fourth.
Thanks, any help appreciated.

You can basically add any meta tag you like. Grav will just iterate over what you have and output the results.

The page output really depends on the theme primarily and then plugins output. If you find issues with HTML syntax you can easily edit on Github and submit a PR to get it fixed. That’s what so great about open source projects like this, we can all chip in to make some great, even better!

okay, thanks anyway. One I have my site up and running, I’ll consider fixing some stuff for getting through a validator. ; )

It seems that there is an issue with HTTP headers, mentioned here. I also can’t check my website with It returns this:

A fatal error occurred when attempting to decode response body. Either we do not support the content encoding specified (“none”), or an error occurred while decoding it. The error was: Don’t know how to decode Content-Encoding ‘none’