EU Cookies plugin - old instructions on GitHub?

I have tried both CookiesNotice v1.0.2 and CookiesPolicy v1.0.10 and I am not the right guy for this coding stuff apparently :slight_smile:
Live website with a Helium skeleton + Gantry, and everything updated, and a minimum of plugins.

I have put the code below in the Gantry5 “Base Outline - Page Setting - Body Attributes - Before ”

{{ cookiesnotice_markup }}

but the only thing I see is like in this picture.
Error cookiespolicy_markup
Maybe I can’t write markup directly in to Gantry - I don’t know - but how should I write it. Div’s don’t work either?

The documentation ( say :

To run the script on your site, just call the variable {{ cookiesnotice_markup }} in template before the body close tag. E.g. in /your/site/grav/user/themes/themename/templates/partials/base.html.twi g
It almost the same instructions in both of the cookie-plugin’s - But I don’t have the template or partials folders and I don’t have the files in the Helium skeleton.

Is it a bug or - more likely - am I missing something here ?


Was interested in this for future projects so decided to put a clean install of grav / gantry and I couldn’t even get the error message working (not too sure how to insert the code to call in gantry apart from the {{ cookie_markup }} inside the before body section…

so kinda of gave up … then did a bit of googling and here is a solution that is tested and working . Done by inspiretheme and

its fully customisable

It uses a cdn which does all the hardwork just add to the head section

Hope that helps

Thanks, Devouk

Hope that helps
Yeah, that was exactly what I needed.
It works like a charm and now I have installed it on all GRAV-sites.

Have earlier used some InspireTheme particles and atoms on Gantry 5 themes from RocketTheme - and they are also doing the job !!

Thanks again for pointing me in right direction :slight_smile: