Error with yaml - Multiple Select form inside List form

Hi everyone!

Need some help with a grav error. I’m working on a gym website and I would like to create the classes schedule with 7 tabs (one for each day). In every tab there will be the classes of the selected day.


Monday: yoga, pilates
Tuesday: pilates, box, karate
and so on…

So I created a class.yaml file with a list in order to add as many classes as I want. Inside the list, a Select form with Multiple enabled.

class.yaml file


          type: list
          label: Add Class

              type: text
              label: Name of the single class
              type: select
              classes: fancy
              label: Days of classes
              multiple: true
                monday: Monday
                tuesday: Tuesday
                wednesday: Wednesday
                thursday: Thursday
                friday: Friday
                saturday: Saturday
                sunday: sunday

On back end it shows up good, but when I’m going to save something in this form I got this error “Array to string conversion”

Error Detail
    if ((!isset($params['multiline']) || !$params['multiline']) && preg_match('/\R/um', $value)) {
        return false;

    return true;

protected static function filterText($value, array $params, array $field)
    return (string) $value;

protected static function filterCommaList($value, array $params, array $field)
    return is_array($value) ? $value : preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', $value, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);

protected static function typeCommaList($value, array $params, array $field)
    return is_array($value) ? true : self::typeText($value, $params, $field);

protected static function filterLower($value, array $params)

Am I doing something wrong? How can I prevent this to happen?
Thanks for the help!

try add validate commalist or array

         type: commalist


          type: array
1 Like

Awesome! Adding validate: type: array worked, thanks dimitrilogo :wink:

If I can, I would like to ask another thing about this. I want to generate the content of these tabs automatically.
Basically I’m trying to make every class with the content of the array .days to be posted inside the correct tab.

I create a new item in the list form with Title: Yoga Class and Days: Monday, Friday. So I want that this Yoga Class is going to be posted in both tabs Monday and Friday. This using the yaml file I posted above.

                            <div id="classes_monday" class="tab">
                                    {% for item in header.classes %}
                                        {% if item.days == 'monday' %}
                                            <li>{{ item.title }}</li>
                                            <li>{{ item.days }}</li>
                                        {% endif %}
                                    {% endfor %}


ok I found it, If someone need to do the same I used {% if '‘monday’ in item.days %}

                            <div id="classes_monday" class="tab">
                                    {% for item in header.classes %}
                                        {% if ''monday' in item.days %}
                                            <li>{{ item.title }}</li>
                                            <li>{{ item.days }}</li>
                                        {% endif %}
                                    {% endfor %}

Thanks again dimitrilogo for your help!