Error with admin plugin - An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Array to string conversion")

I’m running Grav v1.7.0-rc.17
In the admin panel I try and click to open the admin plugin or click on the “update available!” button and I get the error: An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template (“Array to string conversion”).

which looks to be coming from /user/plugins/form/templates/forms/fields/select/select.html.twig
other than that I don’t know where to look to look into this further.

From what shown in screen shoot. val, value or item_value is an array and not a text. (you need array to string conversion)

Either the bugs is on rc-17 or in the plugins.

After a lot of troubleshooting the cause of this error was the translation function on the select field /user/plugins/form/templates/forms/fields/select/select.html.twig.

I have multiple languages on the site and some of the keys in language file clashed with the twig template files. Also my keys were all lowercase which is not best practice for Grav. I changed all the keys to uppercase and renamed some so as not to directly match twig file names. eg. blog_item: to BLOG_ITEM_Fields