Error When switching to Expert mode

Hey their,

i got the following Problem:

I’ve got modular sites and when im switching to expert mode (backend) i got the following error:

My Problem is i don*t know what to do about that. google won’t answer my question.
Also i can’T switch back to normal mode, or open any other site.

Do any of you got an idea how to fix it?

I’ve been seeing this kind of problem quite a bit lately with the Admin plugin. I don’t have a solution. I rarely use the Admin plugin, although I appreciate its importance to the site and content maintenance experience.

It might help you to provide a bit more info:

  • what version of Grav and Admin plugin?
  • what is your environment? (web server, PHP version)
  • which specific Admin page(s) are causing this to come up?
  • in your error page, can you click on the item labelled line 111 “array_map” - what are the Arguments at the bottom on the right pane? (or attach a screenshot)

This doesn’t make sense to me. Are you saying that if you put in a URL for any other page (or another site on that server?), you get error pages like this? Doesn’t sound right, I must be misinterpreting.

If we think this is a bug, you should also report this as an issue for the Admin plugin on Github. I had a quick search for similar issues but nothing conclusive.

As a workaround, you can edit the page or modular page file directly in a text editor.

But provide some more details and we’ll see it can be solved!

Hey, thanks for the reply. im currently on Version 1.9.4. I Could figure out that the problem lies occours when the has content in it. If I delete all of that the backend works again (in normal and expert mode)