For one specific Grav template I want to have the routable and visible page settings default to No when pages are created using that template. I had a brief go at doing this using a blueprint but couldn’t figure it out. How can I achieve this?
For one specific Grav template I want to have the routable and visible page settings default to No when pages are created using that template. I had a brief go at doing this using a blueprint but couldn’t figure it out. How can I achieve this?
I have exactly the same question.
Am on mobile, but you have to modify new.yaml blueprints which is on the grav admin plugin folder. Hope it helps!
you are able to inheritate from the template, so you won’t have troubles if you update it. Here’s an insightful blog post about this.
If you have inherited the theme you want to customize you are able to overwrite the fields you need like in the example here. If you found the field you want to insert the default value just use the field attribute default.