hello mates,
I would like to crop the images of my carousel but I don’t know how to do it, I’m a beginner on grav.
I would also like my carousel not to take the whole width of my page, how should I proceed?
I use Shortcode Owl Carousel Plugin.
below is an image of my current carousel and my code
[owl-carousel items=1 margin=10 loop=true autoplay=true autoplayHoverPause=true nav=true]
<div style="background: url({{ page.media['inscription.png'].url }}) 50% 50%;background-size: cover;color:#fff;">
<h2>This is panel 1</h2>
<div style="background: url({{ page.media['identification.png'].url }}) 50% 50%;background-size: cover;color:#fff;">
<h2>This is panel 2</h2>
<div style="background: url({{ page.media['photocaution.png'].url }}) 50% 50%;background-size: cover;color:#fff;">
<h2>This is panel 3</h2>