Shortcode Owl Carousel Image Descriptions

Can’t figure out how to add image descriptions/names…does anybody know?

You mean text over the image? The docs have a sample:

[owl-carousel items=2 margin=10 loop=true]
<div style="background: url({{['image-1.jpg'].url }}) 50% 50%;background-size: cover;color:#fff;">
  <h2>This is panel 1</h2>
<div style="background: url({{['image-2.jpg'].url }}) 50% 50%;background-size: cover;color:#fff;">
  <h2>This is panel 2</h2>
<div style="background: url({{['image-3.jpg'].url }}) 50% 50%;background-size: cover;color:#fff;">
  <h2>This is panel 3</h2>

I think the CSS provided with owl-carousel plugin should handle this. If you want other styling, you will need to add it.