Creating a modular page with the admin pannel

I’m trying create a modular page as show here with the admin
Do I have to create page 01.home as a modular page and _callout, _feature, etc. as Feature or something else?
The manual at this page about Editor Advanced section is not explicit enough
Thanks for any help


Do I have to create page 01.home as a modular page and _callout, _feature, etc. as Feature or something else?

Seems right…

  • Have you tried to create the modular and its modules?
  • What problem did you encounter if you didn’t manage to create what you want?

You could also download skeleton One-Page Site and see how that is build.

Sorry but I don’t understand

Do I have to create as a modular page
And sub_page 1, su_page2, sub_page3 as items?


Do I have to create as a modular page


And sub_page 1, su_page2, sub_page3 as items ?

No, these are blog items. If you want a Feature module, you create a module with template Feature.

As you said correctly in your first post:

Do I have to create page 01.home as a modular page and _callout, _feature, etc. as Feature


  • From the menu in the Pages tree, you first “Add” a page and set field “Page Template” to “Modular” in the popup window.
  • Edit page and save the modular
  • From the menu in the current modular page, you click the arrow next to “+ Add” and choose “Add module”. In the popup choose template Features, Gallery, Text, or Hero in field “Module Template”.
  • Edit module and save.

Thank you for you help @pamtbaau This is now working
But I’ve still a little problem.
When I open this new page from the main menu, I quit le main menu (which I don’t want / I only want open the new page with different modules) and I arrive on a page with a new menu with as item of this new menu the title of sub_page1, Sub_page2, …

@veehem, Please provide more information to clarify the issue.

  • Which theme are you using?
  • What does your folder structure of /pages/ look like?
  • Provide an image of the page that shows the menu with “sub_page1, Sub_page2”

Thanks again for your help @pamtbaau I’m using Quark Theme
I’m trying to understand how it works following your suggestion : trying to modify skeleton One-Page Site (I need a many pages site)
It’s not very easy.
I’m use to work with Wordpress but want to switch to a lighter CMS
The Administration Panel Documentation is to light for someone like me.
I’ll come back after some more try


I’m trying to understand how it works following your suggestion : trying to modify skeleton One-Page Site (I need a many pages site)

“One-Page Site” is a bit of a misnomer. It only show how to use/create a Modular page. The “Blog Site” skeleton just shows how a Blog page and its Item pages can be created.

A site can contain a mix of multiple Modular pages, Listing (often used for blogs) pages and Standard pages.