If i activate the Cookie Consent 0.4.0 plugin, there is only this “dismiss” text box, not a “accept” text box. This leads into a cookie which always has the value “dismiss” even we need a cookie with the value “accepted”.
I tried simple cookie (0.1.8) which seems to be a fork of cookie consent. There we can add a dismiss and a accept button test which will be displayed once the user visited the website. But it doesn’t matter what text box the user is clicking, the value of the cookieconsent_status will always be “dismiss”.
So how can i use cookie consent in order to get the correct value inside the cookieconsent_status? It’s only a small banner with “We are using cookies, for more informations click this link” and a “Ok” button, so the value of the cookie can only be “accepted”.
(This is very important for the EU Cookie Policy!)