Contact form and email in modular page

Hi there,
I´m new on Grav and tried to build a contact form in a modular page following the instructions “How to - Forms in a modular page” and “Frontend forms”.

I use the agency theme. The form is showing up on the modular page and I can fill in everything, but there is no email sent, no data saved and I´m not sent to the Thankful page.
I built a contact page as a regular page, too, and there everything works fine.

Since the form shows up in the modular page I think there must be something wrong with the processing, even though I copied it from the working regular page.
Does anybody has an idea to fix this?
Thanks a lot!

If you copied the form to a modular page, make sure you set cache_enable: false in the modular page’s frontmatter. Here’s a working modular form example saved as 01._form/

title: Contact Form

name: contact-form

        label: Name
        size: small
        placeholder: 'Enter your name'
        autofocus: true
        autocomplete: true
        type: text
            required: true
        label: Email
        size: small
        placeholder: 'Enter your email'
        type: email
            required: true
        type: submit
        value: Submit

        label: User IP Address
        filename: csvdata.txt
        operation: add
        body: "{% include 'forms/data.txt.twig' %}"

    message: 'Thank you from your Feedback!'
    redirect: /form/landing   

cache_enable: false

# Contact Form

Contact form!!!

NOTE: I added a space in front of the --- so it would render in this forum software, they should be flush left :slight_smile:

Hi rhukster,
thanks for your message! But it doesn´t really help me.
Since I built a onepager with modular pages with following structure:

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my contact page is contact/ with a subfolder/subpage thankyou:

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The main page´s contains the following:

title: '4 Wheel Drive'
    items: '@self.modular'
        by: default
        dir: asc
            - _header
            - _the-band
            - _the-musicians
            - _the-music
            - _discography
            - _shop
            - _videos
            - _pictures
            - _reviews
            - _platzhalter
            - _contact

title: Contact Form
    name: contact-form
    action: /home
        - name: name
          label: Name
          classes: form-control
          placeholder: Enter your name
          autofocus: on
          autocomplete: on
          type: text
          position: left
            required: true

        - name: email
          label: Email
          classes: form-control
          placeholder: Enter your email address
          type: email
          position: left
            required: true

        - name: message
          label: Message
          placeholder: Enter your message
          type: textarea
          classes: form-control
          position: right
            required: true

        - type: submit
          classes: "btn btn-primary btn-lg"
          value: Submit
                subject: '[Site Contact] {{|e }}'
                body: '{% include ''forms/data.html.twig'' %}'
                fileprefix: contact-
                dateformat: Ymd-His-u
                extension: txt
                body: '{% include ''forms/data.txt.twig'' %}'
            message: 'Thank you for getting in touch!'
            display: thankyou

The form appears on the website but after filling it out and press the submit bottom there is no email sent, no data saved and one is not sent to the thankyou page or you get this:

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Best fredilio

By the way, here is the link to the website:

Does the email work if you change the process section with

        - email:
            from: "{{ }}"
              - "{{ }}"
            subject: "[Feedback] {{|e }}"
            body: "{% include 'forms/data.html.twig' %}"
        - save:
            fileprefix: feedback-
            dateformat: Ymd-His-u
            extension: txt
            body: "{% include 'forms/data.txt.twig' %}"
        - message: Thank you for your feedback!
        - display: thankyou 

First, remove email from the process. display too. Start with a bare bones form that saves to file.

I copied your and recreated your file structure, it works fine to me. Make sure you have the latest version of everything, and disable the pages cache to start with.

thanks to both of you. I tried hard to fullfill your tipps, but nothing changed. I read the GRAV documentation´s “How to: Forms in modular pages” agian and stumbled over this:

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The path to the form.html.twig and the formdata.html.twig go to the templates-folder.
I had put them into a modular-subfolder, because otherwise I couldn´t set the modular-page-template in the Admin-Panel.

So I found I the following:
When I move both html.twigs out of the subfolder directly into the templates folder, the message from the form on my website is stored and I get an email sent. That´s fine!!! (even though I´m still not sent to the thankypue page).

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BUT: My form is looking totally different now and there is no section id=“contact” anymore:

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And I can´t save changes on the form pages in the Admin-panel, since the page-template is automatically set to default, which would kill my form on the website totally.
I can´t choose the form- or formdata-template anymore, because these stuck in the templates-folder and not in the templates/modular-folder.

Is there a way to change the path to the form- and formdata.html.twig to the templates/modular -folder instead of the templates -folder?

It´s crazy somehow.