Beginner help: Not sure how to use some plugins


I have been struggling to understand how I can use and apply some plugins, such as the Archive plugin.
I’m using Helium skeleton with Gantry5 plguin installed. I created a blog page (blog-list) and I got the Recent posts to work. I have my own Outline and there I added a Customer HTML particle and put code (fround from here Plugin cookbook) into the HTML box. However, I’m not sure how to use the Archive (or Archive Plus) plugin, as the documentation is too short. I added {% include ‘partials/archive_plus.html.twig’ %}, but not sure if I’m doing something wrong.

Never mind… I figured it out.
The Helium theme had some sample blog posts under Pages -> Blog page.

However, I when I click on the year or date (link is /archive:jan_2017), it takes me just to the home page.