Any plans for DSGVO support?

Hey guys,
I am currently writing a german privacy policy for a grav website and this is currently the only forum post (at least found by google) available.

I have a few questions which you guys could please verify:

  • If I disable the session:
    1. I do not need any paragraph about session cookies, but I’d need one for external cookies like using google maps or so?
    2. Which features require the session to be enabled? The login plugin, but what else?
  • What does grav actually log by default? It looks to me that there are only critical entries in my /log/grav.log, which do not contain user information, only programmatic issues.
  • Should I still keep a paragraph about server logs, as my hosting service (netcup) is recording logs (I assume they do, need to check that)
  • I will add a paragraph about the contact form
  • I will add a paragraph for comments and ratings (which I will use)
  • I found a default text paragraph about openstreetmap. But do I really need this? I’ve checked on my website and the leaflet javascript library does not seems to set any cookie for openstreetmap. This means I do not need to add it to the privacy policy? I am wondering why there was this text on some lawyer website, it seems not true.
  • Is it a mistake to also add a paragraph about youtube, even though I am not (yet) using any youtube video, but maybe do in the future?