Agency Theme

I have a problem with Agency Theme. I install it by the admin panel and I get the communicat:

The template file for this page: “default.html.twig” is not provided by the theme: “Agency”

Here is more info Thx for help

The error message you are seeing is just that. You have pages that are configured to use the ‘default’ display template that is in Antimatter and some other themes.

However, Grav does not restrict you on what your templates should be, and each theme typically has it’s own list of template types it supports. In this way Grav is able to be developed for anything and everything. Each theme can be very specialized. For example Antimatter is the default theme and as such is pretty general, supporting individual pages, blog pages, etc.

Learn2 theme is for documentation and as such only supports 2 page types, one for chapter intro, and one for documentation page… So no default, no blog posts, etc.

Agency has it’s own page types, and the best way to check out and use the theme is to install the Agency skeleton and then install the admin there.

Thx, I try your idea

It works great, thank you :slight_smile: