Access Grav functions outside directory

I have Grav installed to a subfolder of our web root (/blog). What must I include in a file outside of Grav’s root in order to access Grav functions?

On our homepage, which is not within the Grav directory, we have a “Recent Blog Posts” widget. I’d like to use Grav syntax to display the 3 latest posts. I assume I can just build a function to dig into the Grav directory and grab the latest pages, but it’d be nice to use Grav’s built-in functionality to accomplish this.

Hi there! So, you wish to use Grav functions on non-Grav website? I’m afraid this won’t be possible…
But you can rather easy do it via RSS or ATOM feeds perhaps?

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Without writing an API in a plugin (examples already exist of this), you’d have to parse Grav-generated feeds as MakaryGo suggests or parse files. Those are the only three avenues for obtaining this data.


Well, accessing and parsing *.md files shouldn’t be programatically complicated but… Perhaps it would be easier to move entire site to grav? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Parsing the RSS feed with PHP worked just fine. Thanks for the suggestion @MakaryGo.

Ha, I’d love to, but at this point the main site is already too far along to migrate.

Always happy to help :blush: