404 not found

Just done a fresh install of WAMP server, have the bootstrap theme running and i’m getting the ‘Grav is Running!’ page. However when I create an additional page as instructed to, I can’t view it and I get a 404. The new page is showing in the menu bar. Googled for the answer but no luck. So frustrating! Any help appreciated. Thanks.

Did you look on this page?

Ah amazing that’s solved it, now I can start building! Thanks! :slight_smile:

what was the problem you had?

I was missing the Rewrite/Headers Modules in Apache!

ok good to know I had that covered.

Same problem here. Thanks rhukster for the link, however I’m using NginX so the Apache directions didn’t apply. But it did make me think maybe I needed to convert Apache’s .htaccess file that’s included with GRAV to an NginX equivalent. Well, that led me to [link]http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8711678/change-apache-htaccess-file-to-be-used-with-nginx[/link], and finally to the .htaccess2nginx converter tool at http://www.anilcetin.com/convert-apache-htaccess-to-nginx/. Works great now!

what was the nginx config you ended up with?

My web host doesn’t have up-to-date PHP, so I am running (for the first time) MAMP on my mac just so I can play with Grav. As I am getting same 404 error as causticforms describes-- I understand I need to change the Rewrite/Headers in Apache. Newbie me. I don’t quite understand how to do that - am I supposed to change that in the htaccess file in my grav folder? If so then I need to uncomment only this: ## RewriteBase and then what ? Needs path to grav directory, or all the way to user or pages folder? RewriteBase /grav

@ameliafly I’m using MAMP too, it should work out of the box.

MAMP 3.4 (latest), I set it to use PHP 5.6.10 and Apache (not Nginx), with cache disabled. All this is set in the MAMP visual interface.

Downloaded the Blog Site Skeleton, unzipped and added a new blog post, worked fine.

flavioscopes, thanks. Is your document root showing Applications->MAMP->htdocs

Does it matter if I put all the Grav files directly in the htdocs within MAMP or put them in a “grav” folder inside htdocs?

OK yay! Even though I was careful to put (drag) all the invisible files and htaccess inside my grav folder within MAMP htdocs, I decided to trash that grav from my MAMP, went back and got my Grav.zip, put THAT in the htdocs folder (like the directions said in the first place, sorry) and reopened it inside my htdocs directory and now it works fine.
No more 404 when clicking the menu link to the new page. Onward.

Ok great! To answer the previous question. yes I have various grav sites each under its own subfolder