Will Grav work for a gallery with hundreds of images?

In case someone is looking for a similar solution.

I went with Media Boxes (not free, not expensive either) and Fancybox instead of Desandro’s Masonry and featherlight and used @mikegcox twig as an example. So I ended up with this:

    <div class="page-content">
        {{ page.content }}
		<div id="grid">
			{% for image in page.media.images|sort|reverse %}
            {% set imgtitle = image.filename|replace({'.JPG':'','.jpg':'','_':' ','-':' '}) %}
			<div class="media-box category1">
			<div class="media-box-image">
				<div data-thumbnail="{{ image.resize(600,400).quality(100).url }}"></div>
				<div class="thumbnail-overlay">
				<i class="fa fa-plus mb-open-popup" data-src="{{ image.resize(1920,1280).url }}" data-title="{{ imgtitle }}"></i>
			{% endfor %}

Apart from that it’s basically just loading all the js and css files in the template you need them and initialize with as many options you need.


Very happy with the result! very happy with Grav!

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