Which custom fields


Just investigating on GRAV after trying Statamic. GRAV’s website says: “The flat-file nature of Grav lets you define custom fields for any of your pages, including modular content”.
Is there any documentation on that: which custom-fields are possible, how to use them etc.

Thanks in advance.


Grav supports YAML frontmatter, so you can simply create anything in that front matter that YAML supports: http://learn.getgrav.org/advanced/yaml.

You can also put markdown or even JSON data in headers and extract them into manipulatable objects at the Twig layer.

You can use forms and blueprints to provide a UI for those fields via the admin plugin. So you have a lot of field types available for those:

Blueprints | Grav Documentation 2015-10-25 08-57-28

Blueprints | Grav Documentation 2015-10-25 08-57-48

Rhukster, thanks for this quick response.
I will investigate your urls and infos.
