I’m new to wonderful grav CMS and would like to add a menu from anchors to the top of a page with lots of contents divided by h3 headlines.
I know that there’s a plugin called grav-plugin-anchors which I already have installed in my site. But I’m not sure where to put the code for the menu. In the readme of the plugin it says:
If you want to use the generated links to also generate a menu from these anchors, just put the function below in the template file Twig. source: https://github.com/getgrav/grav-plugin-anchors
As a grav newbie I’m not sure where exactly to place the snippet in the blog.html.twig. I have tried several places but I always got an error. Maybe somebody has a hint for that?
thanks for the quick reply. I use the default theme quark with a child-theme for custom adaptations. I tried to put the snippet
{{ anchors(content, tag, terms) }}
in blog.html.twig. I would like it put the toc on top of the page. The syntax error is:
A template that extends another one cannot include content outside Twig blocks. Did you forget to put the content inside a {% block %} tag?
My question is more in general. It’s the first time that I want to extend the code (apart from small css adjustments) and I’m getting the feeling that I’m missing some basic steps here. As I said I’m new to grav and definitely on newbie level.
@hanlie, I believe the answer is in the error message from Twig:
A template that extends another one cannot include content outside Twig blocks. Did you forget to put the content inside a {% block %} tag?
When a template extends another template like ‘blog.html.twig’ extends ‘/partials/base.html.twig’, you can only add snippets to existing blocks defined in the extended template. Blocks in ‘base.html.twig’ are for example:
@pamtbaau You’re right. I did not put the snippet inside a {% block %} tag. But I also had to change the snippet I think. Now the error message is gone. But the plugin is still a little bit tricky. So I used „Page Toc“ (https://github.com/trilbymedia/grav-plugin-page-toc) instead which was easier to implement thanks to your explanation.
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