What font is used here?


I stumbled upon this:


And I wonder if somebody can tell me the font used there? I contacted the original author like a month ago, but have received no answer.

I’m currently interested in the font used for the animations:



@ecosta, The answer depends on:

  • The theme being used by the author.
    My guess is theme Antimatter.
  • The available fonts the browser can use to match the list of fonts in the css font-family property used for the generated element.

My suggestion:

  • Install theme Antimatter.
  • Install plugin shortcode-ui.
  • Add one of the code snippets into a page on your site.
  • Compare your webpage with the images shown in the Readme of the plugin.
  • Open the Devtools of the browser to inspect the font-family and which font has been rendered.

this could be Noto Sans - although Noto looks a little bit taller i think

Thanks a lot guys, I really appreciate your time and your help.

After posting in this forum I visited grav’s home page and happened to notice the peculiar e' in some of the headings, so by simply using firefox's inspector I could find out the name of this font is Metropolis’. It’s a free font anybody can download and use.

Thanks so much.

@ecosta, IMHO Metrophobic is quite different…

Sample shown by shortcode UI on Github:

Shortcode UI sample using theme Antimatter: (note letter-spacing: -2px; is used by Antimatter)

Font used by Antimatter on Google fonts:

Font Metrophobic on Google:


I said Metropolis' not Metrophobic’. The font I downloaded is this one, which is a free font:


And which is the one I could see grav’s website using on it’s CSS. Or did I get something wrong?



My bad. Google Fonts found ‘Metrophobic’ when searching for ‘metro’. I wasn’t paying attention apparently…

By the way, Montserrat from Google Fonts is also very similar