Webhost blocks mod_rewrite check even though it is enabled

We have been struggling to get the website running on our clients webhost. The mod_rewrite module says it is not installed or enabled. We have communicated this to the hosting provider and it turns out that mod_rewrite is enabled and that they block any attempts to check whether mod_rewrite is enabled, sort of like how you can block pings to your server. I didn’t know that was possible to do.

Knowing this, is there a way to tell Grav to stop checking for the required plugins upon loading the website? Perhaps a setting in a yaml file somewhere or something like that?

I do not know if this will work for your situation, but each plugin has a YAML file which should include enabled true/false. Copy each .yaml file you find in each plugin folder to the folder /user/config/plugins/ and set enabled to false in all of those files.

Might this achieve what you are looking for?

Not quite.

The requirements I am talking about are the actual apache and php requirements. If your website fails to meet the requirements then grav displays a nice little checklist showing what passed and what has not passed. Take a look at the screenshot below.

I know that we still must meet the requirements in order for grav to work. The web host is telling us that mod_rewrite is enabled, grav just can’t see it because they are blocking their check. I want to remove the check.

Alright, courtesy of Newb I the Newbd and Davide, I was able to bypass the initial checks by disabling the ‘problems plugin’. This is found in your /user/plugins/problems directory. Open problems.yaml and set Enable to false.