Trying to implement a cache strategy

Hello everyone ♪

I am trying to implement a cache strategy according to this part of refering article.

The idea is to have a page set to no cache, then, according to the schema, to have particular URLs for CSS, JS, and MEDIA.

In system.yaml, this is giving:

  types: [txt,xml,html,htm,json,jsonld,rss,atom]
  last_modified: true       # Set the last modified date header based on file modifcation timestamp
  etag: true                     # Set the etag header tag
  expires: 0                     # Page expires time in seconds (604800 seconds = 7 days)

  enabled: true               # Set to true to enable caching
    method: file              # Method to check for updates in pages: file|folder|none 
  driver: auto                 # One of: auto|file|apc|xcache|memcache|wincache
  prefix: 'g'                     # Cache prefix string (prevents cache conflicts)
  lifetime: 31536000      # Lifetime of cached data in seconds (0 = infinite)
  gzip: true                   # GZip compress the page output


assets:                        # Configuration for Assets Manager (JS, CSS)
  enable_asset_timestamp: true      # Enable asset timestamps

  cache_all: false          # Cache all image by default

  enable_media_timestamp: true     # Enable media timestamps

Points are:

  expires: 0

because 0 seconds is different from no-cache.

So question:
is this strategy (with above settings) is possible?
is 0 seconds a suitable or should I make a issue to ask for a nex parameter?

Thanks in advance for taking time for this ☆

Addition to previous post:

I need also to know how to set cache-control status private like in reference Cache-Control: private, max-age=3156000


Grav’s cache preference is pretty poorly documented IMO, but it doesn’t control HTTP caching - but rather “page caching” on the server. If you want to control the HTTP caching, you should specify that in your webserver config. HTML5 boilerplate has some good defaults here

Thanks you very much for your answer: it’s a lot clearer for me now.
I could not figure that difference between cache of page and cache of http