Translate list in site.yaml

Ok, I am a newbe and I have look for many hours to solve my translation problem of my deliver themed website. I think i learned some valuable lesson by this but still I can not get it to work !!

So here is the problem

There is quick link section I need to translate I got the title set up correctly for translation but now the problem is the array.

text: and url: need to be translated in the array I tried using en: end fr: tag in the site.yaml file with-ought success now i’m down to having a different file called quicklinks.yaml to set the array of value. but this dos not work. I tried to use quicklinks.en.yaml and to have proper translation of the list with-ought success. The quicklinks.yaml is read but not the language specific one. I tried {% for module in config.quicklinks|t %} and all sorts of other test.

Frankly i don’t really care how this is translated I just need it to work. Anny suggestion is welcome.

    text: About 
    url: 'base_url:about'
    text: Services
    url: 'base_url:servi ces'
    text: 'Contact Us'
    url: 'base_url:contact'
        <div class="footer-module"><h4>{{ site.footer.links_title|t }}</h4>
          <ul class="quickmenu">
            {% for module in config.quicklinks %}
                <li><i class="fa fa-chevron-right"></i><a href="{% if "base_url:" in module.url %},{{ base_url_absolute }}/{{ module.url|replace({"base_url:": ""}) }},{% else %},{{ module.url }},{% endif %}">{{  module.text }}</a></li>
            {% endfor %}

So what did I missed ? Thanks.

There is no “automatic” translation at this level. What you can do is nest the quicklinks under the language:

      text: About 
      url: 'base_url:about'
      text: Services
      url: 'base_url:servi ces'
      text: 'Contact Us'
      url: 'base_url:contact'
      text: About 
      url: 'base_url:about'
      text: Services 
      url: 'base_url:servi ces'
      text: 'Contact Us'
      url: 'base_url:contact'

and in your Twig: {% for module in config.quicklinks[language.getActive] %}

That woulds be if it was working !

{% for module in config.quicklinks %}

      text: About 
      url: 'base_url:about'
      text: Services
      url: 'base_url:servi ces'
      text: 'Contact Us'
      url: 'base_url:contact'

Show me the english but your solution do not translate ?!? Maibe i did not understant your solution !

Notice that I added an additional level in the quicklinks (.en, .fr…) and I made the for loop go into it: config.quicklinks[language.getActive]