Template "item.html.twig" is not defined


i am new to grav and i was experimenting with the themes. I changed the theme to Notepad v1.3.0 and got the first Error “Template “category.html.twig” is not defined.” and now i can’t change back to other themes because of this bug. I also cant access any item in Notepad because it seems there are no items defined.

What can i do now?

if i would know how to delete this Post i would do it. It was an error in the attributes of the Home Site. I changed the attribute Page Template from Blog to Blog so that does the magic. now there is in the Manage Page Site at “Home” written blog->blog and not blog->category in the attribute. I have still not really an idea what it means.

The error means the page you’re accessing is named “category.md” and it looks for a corresponding category.html.twig in your theme, but it cannot find it so it gives the error.

This can happen while switching themes because a theme is linked to the content types it provides. Not all themes provide a “category” page type, which is a concept unique to that theme.

You can revert the theme in Admin (should not be affected by the problem) or by editing in user/config/system.yaml the property pages.theme.

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now i understand. thank you very much :slight_smile: